IdleMMO Wiki

Version 0.22.0-PB

  • We have released the Item Database. Check it out by going to Wiki -> Item Database. You can search, filter, and sort through all available items in the game.
  • You may notice that the Item Database contains outdated items, such as various remains of animals, which no longer appear in the game. We are in the process of gradually removing these items.
  • Some changes to catch more pesky cheaters.
  • A bunch of undocumented/untracked bug fixes.

Version 0.21.1-PB

  • Performance improvements. We are gradually fixing all bottlenecks in the application that are the cause of the recent server slowdowns.
  • We have temporarily disabled market trading between alt characters to help stop potential market manipulation due to the newly released market history. Users are advised to transfer items between alt characters using the trade system. This will be reassessed when we develop further solutions.
  • Renamed "tax" to "fee" when creating a purchase order.

Version 0.21.0-PB

Market History

On the item inspection page, users can now access the market history of an item, which includes the following data:

  • A chart displaying the average price of listings and orders over the past 30 days. (Tracking for this chart started on 6th August. You wont see any historic data before 6th August)
  • A list of the most recent market purchases.
  • A list of the most recently fulfilled purchase orders.

Additional Changes

  • Using an item in the inventory no longer requires a full page reload.
  • Improved text and hover radius on all in-game charts.
  • Fixed page title when inspecting an item.
  • Some minor undocumented fixes.

Version 0.20.4-PB

  • Server performance improvements. We will continue to monitor and improve the situation over the coming weeks.

Version 0.20.3-PB

  • Fixed missing "You can perform this action X times" message when pressing on a skill item.
  • Fixed an Ombric Uprising campaign reward being tradable by mistake.
  • Fixed seasonal tasks appearing in non-seasonal campaigns. This will only apply to newly generated tasks.
  • Fixed description for "Agility".
  • Fixed dungeon time and EXP not visually updating when using a potion.
  • New characters automatically have 5 rabbits ready to battle before needing to hunt for more.
  • Fixed UI alignment issues.

Version 0.20.2-PB

  • Added scheduled "Eve of Shadows" seasonal campaign. It will be available on Monday 21st October 2024. Check out the preview page closer to the time to see the rewards.
  • Fixed issue causing CloudFlare to constantly require some users to verify their session.
  • Fixed resolution of the equipped items on a characters profile page.
  • Fixed resolution of the skill icons on a characters profile page.
  • Fixed issue that made prevented some users from cancelling pet hunting.
  • Items can no longer be equipped/unequipped when a character is doing an action as the items may interfere with the action itself.
  • Fixed redirection issue when trying to teleport while on a seasonal skill page (For example, Lunar Mastery)
  • Fixed issue where items without a recipe were still considered craftable.
  • Added a small notice to items when a user does not have a recipe for the selected item.
  • Fixed issue that caused some pets to be stuck in the event location.
  • Fixed pet healing bugs when attempting to heal the pet twice.
  • Moved the "Feed" button for pets so its easier to access.
  • Added a message to the equipped pet notifying the user that they cannot send the pet to battle while equipped.
  • Updated sorting of item types on the forge.
  • Fixed "Ruined Robes" not showing all enemies that drop the item.
  • Added loading indicator to various buttons to stop accidental double clicking.
  • Fixed loot listed in the "Drops" section when quickly viewing an enemy or dungeon.
  • Fixed text wrapping issue on the badge that displays how far a location is away from the character.
  • Daily seasonal tasks will give 15 points instead of 10. This will take effect in the next seasonal campaign - The Eve of Shadows.
  • UI fixes.

Version 0.20.1-PB

  • Added missing "Greaves" from forge list.
  • Fixed the app incorrectly opening up when pressing on a character in the "Nearby Characters" list.
  • Performance improvements.

We found a big problem with how the pet mastery skill affects pets. It was making pets much stronger than we meant it to. This explains why pets stats were significantly higher than we original expected them to be.

We know this fix will make a lot of pets in the game seem slightly weaker now depending on the Pet Mastery stat. It wasn't meant to make them worse - we're just fixing a mistake. We plan to look at all the pets soon as a result of this. We had to fix this problem right away because some players pet mastery were getting way more bonuses than we meant them to - some were more than double.

Version 0.20.0-PB

Forge UI Rework

  • The forge UI has been reworked.
  • Implemented a filtering feature that allows users to select and view items based on different types.
  • Introduced a filter that will only show items obtained through recipes.
  • Added a feature to show only items the character can craft.
  • Added a badge to each item showing how many the character can craft.
  • Added a badge to each item to indicate if it's from a recipe or not.

Unfortunately we cannot have the ability to show all items in the forge like it was prior to the update due to performance concerns.

Item Inspection

  • Added a checkmark to show if a character has the recipe when inspecting one.
  • Every item now shows where it can be found (if applicable). For example, when you inspect a Goblin Crown, it will tell you it’s available from the Goblin King. This applies to loot from World Bosses and dungeons too.

Sorting Inventory

  • Added a feature to sort items in your character's inventory by name, date, quantity, quality, type, and value.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the dungeon showed the wrong success rate for some players.
  • Fixed a bug where getting "Hunting Mastery" experience did not award the "Rising Star" badge.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the "Hunting Mastery" badge to be unobtainable.